

§  Olivia, M., dan Wibisono, G. 2002. Analisis Penurunan Pondasi Dangkal Tanah Lempung Kasongan. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Riau/Jurnal Natur Indonesia Vol 5(1)

§  Olivia, M. 2004. Buckling and Free Vibration of Thin Walled Plate. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Riau/Jurnal Penelitian XIII(1)

§  Olivia, M., and Mandal, P. 2005. Curvature Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Beams. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Univ Atmajaya Yogyakarta/Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Vol 6(1)

§  Olivia, M., dan Rachmadano, O. Limbah Abu Gambut sebagai Bahan Tambah Pengganti Sebagian Semen pada Beton Mutu Tinggi. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Bandung/Jurnal Potensi, Vol 7(2)

§  Olivia, M., Inderawan, J., Rachmadano, O., Indrawan, B., dan Damon. 2005. Pemanfaatan Abu Sawit sebagai Bahan Tambah pada Beton. Fakultas Teknik/Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 4(1)

§  Olivia, M. dan Mayasari, D. 2006. Pendayagunaan Aggregate Daur Ulang untuk Material Beton. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Negeri Medan/Jurnal Penelitian Saintika Vol 6(1)

§  Javaherdashti, R., Nikraz, H., Moheimani, N., Borowitzka, M., and Olivia, M. 2009. On the Impact of Algae on Accelerating the Biodeterioration/Biocorrosion of Reinforced Concrete: A Mechanistic Review. AMS Publishing Inc./European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 3(3)

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2011. Strength and Water Penetrability of Low Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete. Asian Research Publishing Network/ARPN Journal, Vol 6(7)

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2012. Properties of Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete Designed by Taguchi Method. Elsevier/Materials and Design, Vol 36

§  Riyawan, E., dan Olivia, M. 2013. Pengaruh gradasi aggregate kasar lempung bakar pada beton ringan. Teknobiologi, Vol 4(2).



§  Olivia, M., dan Mayasari, D. 2005. Pendayagunaan agregat daur ulang untuk material beton. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dosen Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru. Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT UR.

§  Olivia, M. dan Kamaldi, A. 2006. Alat Peraga dan Computer Assisted Learning Mekanika Teknik I. Workshop Pengajaran Mekanika Teknik, Struktur Beton dan Baja. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Udayana, Denpasar.

§  Olivia, M., Sarker, P., and Nikraz, H. 2008. Water Penetrability of Low Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete. International Conference on Construction and Building Technology (ICCBT), Kuala Lumpur 16-18 Juni 2008. Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia.

§  Olivia, M., Nikraz, H., and Sarker, P. 2009. Improvements in the Strength and Water Penetrability of Low Calcium Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete. 3rd ACF International Conference-ACF/VCA: Sustainable Concrete Technology and Structures in Local Climate and Environments Conditions, Ho Chi Minh City. Asian Concrete Federation/Vietnam Concrete Association.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2009. Corrosion of Low Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete: a Preliminary Analysis. 6th Asian Symposium on Polymers in Concrete, Shanghai. Tongji University.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2009. Durability of Low Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete in Chloride Solution. 6th Asian Symposium on Polymers in Concrete, Shanghai. Tongji University.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2009. Optimization of Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete Mixtures in a Seawater Environment. Concrete 09, 24th Biennial Conference of Concrete Institute of Australia, Sydney. Concrete Institute of Australia.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2010. Corrosion Performance of Embedded Steel in Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete by Impressed Voltage Method. 21st Australian Conference On Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Melbourne. Victoria University.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2011. Durability of Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete in Seawater Environments. Concrete11, Concrete Institute of Australia Biennial Conference, Perth. Concrete Institute of Australia.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2012. The influence of micro algae on corrosion of steel in fly ash geopolymer concrete: a preliminary study. International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering (ICAMET 2012). UNIMAP, Perlis.

§  Olivia, M., and Nikraz, H. 2013. Properties of fly ash geopolymer concrete in seawater environment.  The Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Sapporo. Hokkaido University.

§  Olivia, M., Kamaldi, A., Sitompul, I.R., Diyanto, I., and Saputra, E. 2014. Properties of geopolymer concrete from local fly ash (FA) and palm oil fuel ash (POFA). Malaysia Indonesia Geopolymer Symposium (MIGS 2014). Kuala Lumpur. UNIMAP, Perlis.